Paranormal Romance vs Urban Fantasy

So here comes the moment when I let you all know the genre that my book will be (and I know you’re all on the edge of your seat now!). But before I do I’d like to consider two genres that I personally have read a lot of, paranormal romance and urban fantasy.

Most of you will have heard of paranormal romance – essentially a story with paranormal elements with a romantic storyline. Popular examples can be found here. Now I have to say, I don’t necessarily agree that all of these books have been classified correctly. Some of the books in this list I believe fall under urban fantasy which seems to be a lesser known genre despite the popularity of books within it. If you aren’t familiar with the urban fantasy genre then a summary of it’s differences from paranormal romance can be found here.

So we’ve all heard of books that fall into these genres (and don’t think that you haven’t – come on, who hasn’t heard of Twilight?) and soon(ish) you will have heard of one more! But which one exactly am I writing – supernatural romance or urban fantasy?

Well I’m actually writing an urban fantasy book. I have nothing against paranormal romance however I don’t think I could write the in depth sex scenes which seem to be obligatory in the genre. I feel uncomfortable enough just reading some of those books in public so I don’t think I could look anyone in the eye again if it was actually written by my own hand!

So there you go, first bit of information released. If you’ve never tried a bit of urban fantasy before there are loads of series out there that I’d recommend but one for me that currently stands out above the rest is the Rachel Morgan series by Kim Harrison.

Give it a go – you might just love it. 🙂

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